Mouth Magic

Mouth Magic


Media: oil on canvas board

Size: 8x6 in

Let's face it, 'Mouth Magic' sounds better than 'Mouth Maintenance'. But in order to keep doing the things that I should, the things that keep me healthy, I have to play little tricks on myself and make it a teensy bit fun! So, you know...pretty colors, fun retro lipstick, and new giant bathrobe sash size floss that my dentist recommended ( I swiped that ‘bathrobe sash’ reference from David Sedaris).

BTW MAC had told me that they were discontinuing my favorite color…ACKKK, so I went to two different stores and bought up all that they had!!! My dear daughter went with me and did not treat me like I was crazy AT ALL!!! So, anyway, that is my mouth magic kit!

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