I Was Born In Florida
I Was Born In Florida
Media: oil on heavy watercolor paper
Size: 30.5x26 in
I was born in Florida and we lived right on the beach. Less than a month after my birth a hurricane hit. So I was a newborn, my older brother was 18 mos. old, and my father, a flight instructor, had to return to his base and fly planes out of the path of the hurricane...to protect the planes!! That left my mother to shepherd two infants to a shelter, alone. (She was a native Californian and had never been in a hurricane!) But here is the best part of this story; when my mother told me this story, she said, "But it was okay because your brother was a tremendous help!!!” Has anyone seen an 18 mos. old lately??? They are BABIES! I think that my MOM was the super-heroine of this story, but the baby boy? (Have you gone on 'Zip Recruiter' and asked for 18 mos old workers??) So here is my take-away from this story that I think is pertinent today: 1) We have the ability to move through a tough time and then "forget" the rough stuff, 2)We can look for, and FIND the pearl hidden in the pandemic, oops I mean hurricane, and 3) Women are warriors!!! My dad took care of the planes (they are probably mothballed somewhere now), but my mom took care of THE PEOPLE!